Tuesday, February 07, 2006

I feel such huge outpourings of love for you all!

Hello Wonderful Lovers!

I feel such huge outpourings of love for you all! This is my first entry since John and I ran our new Living The Lovers Way course last weekend. Oh my, what an awesome event.

All the honest and wonderful sharing on the private forum we've set up since then has made my heart sing - to feel everyone enjoying the mad, crazy and ecstatic adventure that is our lives and our creation!

May we all carry on sharing and let the love continue to spiral and expand from within ourselves to the myriad and beautiful reflections which is our physical world.

I love you all with a love that is beyond time or space!

In the meantime I would like to share with you all more of what I have been experiencing, such as huge energetic shifts.

It feels like I have had a massive 'Reiki' attunement atthe Living The Lovers' Way course! In fact, I did experience something similar a few years back when I spent a few hours in the Ribbon crop circle at Stonehenge.

I have been experiencing quite a bit of nausea and my body is vibrating so fast that I feel I could dematerialise, but also my heart is becoming so huge - feeling it truly is the centre of my Universe. I am noticing more and more how distances seem to becoming less, e.g. when I am travelling, whether walking or driving, I observe a point and I am there with no awareness of the in-between journey! It's astonishing: time, distance, space are all collapsing into me!

And then the most amazing thing of all: I am starting to see objects that I normally see as quite solid become almost liquid. They take on a luminous quality and appear to float towards me !
Now, there are some amazing implications here: as we speed up our vibrational frequency, we can play with our reality even more. We have enormous capability to create more and more love and beauty in our lives! I can see that my physical life is like a musical composition created in brilliant partnership with my Universe and me.

And that my life is teaching me to listen to my cues, act on my creative urges and play my life like a song with a full heart. I am experiencing just how literally my own creations, including my physical life, take such a beautiful form and I know and understand the meaning of the Primary WISDOM: What I See Dreams Out of Me!

As I am shifting my vibrational frequency, my creations are much easier and my physical universe is becoming much more malleable and in tune with me. I know for myself that the nausea I have been experiencing dissipates every time I share my love and channel it into whatever is my highest and greatest joy in the moment!

I love my life, I love the fact that I can go walking and exude supreme joy without the defences or fear, for I have nothing to defend or hide about myself – it's so great to feel this free!

And with these huge energy surges that are that were activated by Living The Lovers' Way, it is more important than ever is that I stay true to my truth, passion, path and glorious self-expression, or I can experience burn out! As my energy is soaring, it needs a creative outlet, it needs a freeway, an open road; namely to share this love!

I think of myself as a highly-tuned instrument and, as such, any beliefs that I have about my reality that are incompatible to the Me I have chosen to be are enough to seize up my entire system. So, I am using this time of transformation to be even more in touch with the Dream of myself, for I am experiencing my dreams becoming more real and my physical reality becoming more dream-like. I am seeing that they are blending into one!

Stay honest and courageous, and stay in love!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW!!!!! thank you Maggie for sharing the love in your own unique and truly beautiful way... reading your words opens up my heart and brings tears to my eyes, for I long to feel as connected to my world as you do and express that in all that I am!

all my love, Janine xxx